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Change with temperature 10-16-2024


Did you slip on a jacket this morning? Brrrrr! Or maybe you stepped outside and said, “I should have dressed warmer”. The problem is by late afternoon you may regret the long sleeve shirt. Weather extremes have us constantly examining our closets. Summer: dress cooler. Winter: dress warmer. Spring & Fall: a day to day decision. If the temperature was constant I wouldn’t even have to think about such changes. I think that’s what God was saying to the church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! Is it possible God is asking me/you to examine our inner heart’s closet? Is it possible to become so complacent we become hardened to change, to brokenness around us? You know, the kind of change that requires selfless love in response to the seasons of need in people’s lives. May the deeds I wear today be chosen according to the atmosphere God purposes for me. PK

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