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8/24/2022 - Praise you in the storm


It’s been “raining cats and dogs” this week. That’s not only a weird phrase but quite honestly disturbing too. Where’d it originate? Not even google can say for sure. Mythology, medieval street flooding, collapsing thatch roofs, or what makes sense to me the Greek phrase cata doxa, which means “contrary to belief” And so yes it has been raining cata doxa, beyond belief. Of-course we’ve only had light sprinkles compared to the first rain storm. God told Noah his plan, (Genesis 6) the flood, and Noah believed and set out to build the Ark. It took decades to build the Ark and along the way I’m sure Noah had to answer a thousand+ times the question, WHY? Have you ever been asked why? Why you have peace when life’s raining cata doxa around you? Expect it, and as Peter writes (1 Peter 3:15) always be prepared to give an answer to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. What seems beyond belief is Jesus, who calms storms for those who do believe. So may His ark of peace, in which my life rests, be an open vessel to those caught in cata doxa.

- PK

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