I made my first QR code last week. They were in the bulletin and you’ll find them below also. I’m not a fan of them. They’re like a secret code out of a spy novel or ancient alien hieroglyphic. The thing is they’re not secret at all. Anyone with a cell phone can point their camera at the codes and be taken directly to the intended message via the internet. I hope you will do that with the QR’s below. They’ll take you to downloadable pdfs. One is a daily devotional to join Nazarenes in USA & Canada as we pray our way to Pentecost Sunday June 5. The other code will download a copy of Holiness Today magazine featuring outstanding articles on prayer. Do this please. If you have trouble you can go the web page www.halfmillionmobilization.org. Can I give you one more code? One that’s faster than any digital 5G connection and has never lost service for over 2000 years. It’s found in Romans 10:12-13 The Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” So let’s make the call with anticipation of rich blessings of The Lord.
- PK
PS…I just realized if you’re reading this with your phone you can’t open the attached QR codes and also take a picture. Duh, PK! You can hit the web link and download from there. I must say, it’s much easier calling on the name of the Lord! Just sayin'.
Prayer Journal

Holiness Today
