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The time is right.


One of my favorite jokes to play on our teens who make their first 6-flags trip with us is at the park closing, usually 8:00pm. (I always hold back their supper money till closing, they spend it otherwise!) By the time we meet up, they hit the gift shops and get in the van it’s around 8:45 and they’re starving. (they spent their lunch money on junk) “PK, when are we stopping to eat?” “9:00PM” is my answer. They check the time and are confident they can wait another 15 minutes before they die of hunger. Off we go. About 30 minutes later they begin reminding me I said 9:00pm. “Yes, we’ll eat at 9:00.” “But it’s after 9:00 now”, they grumble. It takes about an hour to get from 6-flags to Anniston, Alabama where I exit to a Wendi’s for supper. “Look at the time” I ask them, “what time is it?” Amazingly it’s 9:00PM. What they missed was when we crossed the Georgia state line into Alabama we entered Central Time Zone. So we left 6-flags around 9:00PM and an hour later pulled into Wendi’s at 9:00PM. Ha! I kept my word. This Saturday night/Sunday morning Daylight Saving Time begins, set your clocks one hour ahead. (sorry you lose an hour sleep) One of the time stories I love from the Bible is found in Genesis. Abraham and Sarah have run out of time to have a child. But God has other plans. He says this; (Genesis 18:14) Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Then, the One who holds all time did this: (Genesis 21:2) Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. God is not distant from the events of our times nor is “anything too hard” for Him. So we manipulate time in spring and fall to suit us. But God controls time, mine and yours to suit His purposes. I’m OK with that!


P.S. REMINDER::::: “Crawdads & Cornhole” Event is Saturday, March 19, 3:00pm-7:00PM. Food, Fun, Friendly Competition, Live Worship Music. Plenty to eat (crawfish & burgers) Cost is $5.00 person or $15.00 a family. (all proceeds go to local charity) PLEASE let us know how many to cook for by RSVP'ing at or

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